Tuesday 21 June 2011

Taking Your Daily Dose Of Garlic

Taking Your Daily Dose Of Garlic
I was doing a little research into the affects of Garlic on reducing High Blood Pressure and I found that taking a daily dose of garlic can have a positive affect. At the moment my own BP is higher than it should be so I am just looking to help get it down without changing or increasing my medication. In my own case my diet has changed over the last year and my salt and sugar intake have increased. So I really need to eat less salty snacks, processed foods and chocolates.

One thing about garlic is it can do no harm! Apart from perhaps some bad breath! It does tend to repeat but garlic capsules get round this anyway. The active ingredient is a chemical called Allicin. Actually fresh Garlic does not contain the chemical.When garlic is cut or crushed alliin and the enzyme allinase, interact making Allicin.

Garlic does seem to be one of those natural 'wonder foods' that has a number of claimed benefits including:
Reducing Cholesterol and Fat Deposition
Helps with Male Impotence
Reducing BP as mentioned
Also good for zapping bacteria
Warding off coughs and colds
Acne cure

So taking a capsule or portion of garlic a day has got to be good for your health! It is an important component of the healthy 'Mediterranean Diet'. Although looking out on a wintery day here in Somerset, I think the sunshine and warmer climate must help.

If you have any vampires around your way, it is good for keeping them at bay! This really is an ancient remedy with no side effect so you can't real lose Taking Your Daily Dose Of Garlic!

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